Put your oxygen mask on first if you plant to help others. Burnout and adrenal fatigue are just some of the symptoms of “being a hero.”
You know the saying, “making assumptions makes an “ass” of “u” and “me.” But it’s more than a cute play on words. Here’s how it’s true and how to avoid…
Expectations can and will lead to overwhelm – especially when you’re trying to meet everyone’s expectations but YOURS.
The holidays can be a pressure cooker – so here’s a way to prep in advance and commit to these 3 things as you plan your gatherings…
This is why it is imperative to your success, that you acknowledge what you think are the “small” things. Because it’s those very things that lead to the massive tipping…
Encouragement for your season in caring for a loved one. Sometimes the need to care comes as a shock and our lives seem to suddenly be tipped upside down. Here…
It’s making a comeback….Never let what’s popular fool you into believing that it’s “right.” I tell my kids, drinking soda and eating potato chips is “popular.” Everyone does it. But…
Narcissistic abuse leaves people shattered and confused. Today we distinguish between the labels and the gamut of behaviors that create damaging behaviors and leave others in need of strength and…
While I’m not a fan of some of the 12-step paradigms, this specific prayer brings comfort, and covers many basis of what we are seeking for daily.